The Joy of Anticipation

The gratification that we get from anticipating and looking forward to things is awesome.

Wed, 26 Sep 2018

Recently, I decided that I wanted a new phone. I’m going to sit on it for a week until I make my decision, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be going through with it. Just take a look at my current phone:

Jonny holding his heavily used iPhone. The screen is cracked.

So last night I spent about 45 minutes looking into the latest and greatest. I think I’ve decided on the iPhone XS Max, and I can’t wait to order it in one week.

You know what’s weird though? I don’t even have a new phone yet, and I’m excited about it. I can’t wait for it to arrive. Most of the fun and joy comes from the anticipation.

Because let’s be real, after I have my new phone for a week, I’ll have already adapted to it. It won’t feel new or special anymore, it will just be the new norm.

This kind of sucks to think about…but it’s not totally bad. It’s not bad to want a new phone, nice clothes, or a new car. To be honest, looking forward to things is healthy. The gratification that we get from anticipating and looking forward to things is awesome.

Have something in your life to look forward to.

Let’s recognize this concept, and use The Joy of Anticipation to make life more fun…

  1. If you’re giving a gift, don’t ALWAYS make it a surprise. Tell them you’re going to give it to them shortly, and they will look forward to it (don’t let them down though, that gift better be freaking cool).
  2. Plan further ahead. Have you ever scheduled a vacation with family a few months in advance? Putting it on the calendar gives you time to dream together. You have something to look forward to collectively.
  3. Don’t just buy anticipation. This ones important. Sometimes we only buy things because we’re bored and need something to look forward to. Buy things you need, don’t purchase something so that you can look forward to something arriving at your doorstep in a few days.

Let’s acknowledge this concept, and incorporate the good parts into our life. Find ways to stretch out moments of joy in your life, and savor them.

jonny goodwin

Jonny Goodwin is a software engineer and digital marketer. Venture Labs

  • GatsbyJS, ReactJs, CSS in JS, Algolia, Netlify